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300 spartans movie homepage

Ok, Jim. Ive got some bad Hannah: Are you trying to kill me? Selena: No, Sweetheart, Im making you not care. Sergeant Farrell: I think Bills got a point. If you look at the whole life of the planet, we, you know, man, has only been around for a few blinks of an eye. So if the infection wipes us all out, that is a return to normality. If you liked this movie, try these: 28 Days Later is one of the scariest zombie movies ever made. I think even George Romero wouldnt be able to fall asleep after seeing it. The title confused me until the first 10 minutes of the film, when the main character, Jim, wakes up in a hospital 28 days after a virus hits England. Much of Londons population is dead, but the survivors are crazed, zombie-like creatures. I got a chance to talk with the producer Andrew Macdonald, 300 spartans movie homepage also produced Danny Boyles previous features, The Beach, Trainspotting, and Shallow Grave. UGO: Whats it like producing a Danny Boyle film without a John Hodges script? Andrew Macdonald: Its kind of similar in many ways. The way Danny and I have always worked with John is, weve made him a partner. In return, he writes 300 spartans movie homepage writes and we encourage him to be on set. Thats how we persuaded screenwriter Alex Garland to write the screenplay, because I 300 spartans movie homepage a lot of time with Alex when we were working on The Beach released in 2000, explaining how we were adapting it. Also, we took him to Thailand. I guess its safe to say we became friends, and we have a very close working relationship. Its the three of us, arguing, disagreeing and agreeing over almost every issue. In the end, Danny has most of the final creative decisions, I have most of the final financial decisions, and Alex is the only one that writes the script, and we dont do anything not in the script. I think 300 spartans movie homepage comes from Dannys theatre and television background, where the writer is more important. AM: For me, its always the same thing: The script. Alex and I were discussing the kinds of movies wed like to see over lunch. I said one of the things I would really like to do is a science fiction movie. I think some of the great science fiction movies were made in Britain, for some strange reason. Maybe its because its gray and it 300 spartans movie homepage all the time, so they go inside and make 2001, Star Wars and Alien. I talked a lot about stuff I liked as a kid, like Day of the Triffids. I like HG Wells and science fiction. UGO: This is the first zombie film in a long time that takes 300 spartans movie homepage seriously and is actually scary. AM: The movie has a fantastic, ridiculous concept. But the characters within the movie have to act as if its real. You have to connect with them, and that was the idea behind making the film. AM: It makes you feel closer to the characters.

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